Belajar hipnotis dan hipnoterapi


I have spent over three decades in service to people who hurt. I believe in the value of supportive, collaborative therapy, especially when God is involved. But passing judgment or proselytizing have no place in my sessions. Working on my own issues and contributing to the preservation of a 45-year marriage have taught me many life lessons. My licensed practice of over two decades with a very diverse clientele also provides valuable experience. A masters degree and ...
...hundreds of hours of continuing education probably help too. No one is free of "issues." There are no perfect dads or moms, so nobody leaves home with everything they need for our most important tasks, raising kids and maintaining a relationship. In my own journey, I work to be at least a step or two...
...ahead of the folks I work with. I am privileged to share my journey with others. I believe that our purpose for being is learn to see with God's eyes, to practice compassion.
Title: Belajar hipnotis dan hipnoterapi; Written by Team Power Inspiration Resource; Rating: 5 dari 5